s → ſ

I recently received an email from an anonymous reader aſking if i had any ſort of programme i uſed to inſert the long S (ſ) into texts. Uſually, i inſert theſe manually, but on pages like The Garden and “What i believe”, i include a ſmall programmatic widget allowing a reader to toggle between long and ſhort S-es as they chooſe. I thought i might preſent a more uſer-friendly verſion here: juſt inſert your ſ-leſs text into the box below and it will ſpit out an equivalent in either my houſe ſtyle or a ſtyle more authentic to its uſage in 17 th-century Engliſh. (For information about the differences between the two, ſee the footer.)

Your output will appear here…

My houſe ſtyle tends to take more after works publiſhed in the 18th and 19th centuries, in the tail end of the long S’s faſhionability, than works in the 17th century and earlier, to which the anonymous emailer’s requeſt pertained. In particular:

For more detail, ſee this poſt on babelstone.co.uk.

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